Sunday, July 27, 2014

Humanity: The Cause We are Human

Have we ever thought why we are here on this earth? Just to breed and eat- like other creatures in the universe. Obviously the answer (or rational answer) is a big NO. Unlike all other creatures man is not created just to have life on earth. Its the rationality that leads man to humanity- yes its Humanity!
Now sit steady and rethink- why the heck are we here? Why? Why are we busy with so much work and for whom? To answer simply, we are mere servants- servants of humanity. Naturally when a child is born, it is totally unaware of the world surrounding it. It grows inch by inch or I should rather say it grows up- having the subconscious knowledge of humanity or with a flavor of humanity. Over the ages, man is having an unquenchable thirst for knowing the fact- the ultimate FACT. Its about the Creator!
Now the question that rises in us- if humanity is the cause of our existence, why should we toil so much? Yes, a logical thinking indeed.  Before going through this, think of something different. Imagine that you are just walking along a lonely road. Suddenly you notice something strange on the road- a little injured bird lying on there- groaning. Now, will you not feel a bit sympathy for this tiny creature? If yes, why?
Another big question to deal with is that why are we here? Obviously we are sent here not merely to crawl on the earth and taking our generation ahead. We have something noble to do- something greater. This is the cause why you were sympathetic towards the bird. So before doing anything we should always bear in mind that why I am doing this. Is there any noble cause or just doing it for a meaningless purpose?
Like John Lennon I always dream of a world with people living life in peace. But unlike Lennon I think there must be Hell and Heaven or why is there a clash between good and evil? Now it is time we thought why Jonathon Swift became an extreme misanthropist. The cause was that he felt the lack of humanity with the then people. So right was Robin Hood!
We made civilizations now but never cherish them in our soul. We hanker after riches without thinking of the life after death. It is only humanity that can liberate us from all strife of life. We cannot take a single coin with us when the ultimate call of death knocks us all. Then why so chaos!!!
Some people say there is nothing after death. Here the first thing I say is “Should we call it after death or after life?” What if life is a dream and death wakes us up?

Also Published on Wordpress & Goarticles


  1. The cause we are human is justified if we think about ourselves.If we find that we have the rationality needed for the proper judgement then we are human otherwise we are more than of a beast.

    1. Yes, right you are. Only then we can be called 'Human'!
